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单词 states 例句大全,用单词states造句:

The fresh water with the biggest crop of abalone department United States is high grade fish.
The United States abandoned this sensible system in1976.
The United States abandoned President Wilson's offspring.
States shall take all appropriate measures to abate the effects of the pollution of aquifers.
Second level has no outline tips and has abbreviation of states.
第三水平, 没有轮廓提示和州名的英文缩写。
In this case, that maximum length is 2, which is the understood postal abbreviation for a state in the United States.
在本例中, 最大长度是2, 这表示美国各个州的邮政缩写。
The Member States of the United Nations cannot, and should not, abdicate their responsibility for collective security.
Ms. Rice said disrespect for the Koran is abhorrent, and will not be tolerated by the United States.
Estonia is convinced that the treaty should set out clear standards that States are bound to abide by.
The letters are addressed to Abigail Van Buren, one of the most influential sources of social advice in the United States.
His listening comprehension and oral ability are good enough to go to the States.
One is that the they have underestimated the ability of the United States to guard their secrets.
其一, 过低估计了美国自己的保密能力。
The survival of the United States depends on the ability to find new sources of energy.
Experimental Study on Excimer Laser Ablation of Prostates of Rabbits.
Observation on the changes of the blood coagulable states during and after radiofrequency catheter ablation
Background Microwave ablation is a new treatment modality for hepatic tumors in the United States.
He was acknowledged as an able statesman.
Accordingly, in the United States to be able to plan more fund.
因此, 在美国能筹到更多的资金。
We can bring about abnormal distribution of energy states.
The relative trait of the three states of talent ability includes positive correlation, circularity, abnormality and over constancy.
If so, the United States would become the latest country to jump aboard the happiness bandwagon.
一旦实现, 美国将成为引领幸福感潮流的国家。
We call on all States to accede to, and abide by, this Treaty.
The United States is a nation laws and we must abide by these rulings.
美国是一个法治国家, 我们必须遵守这些裁决。
The southern states were defeated in the Civil War and were forced to abolish slavery and set the slaves free.
Does the Security Council have the right to abolish the sovereignty and independence of United Nations Member States?

单词 states 释义

  • 单词释义:国家( state的名词复数 );州;[the states][口语]美国;心态  [更多..]



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