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单词 Cedarwood 例句大全,用单词Cedarwood造句:

Cedarwood is also used in beauty products. It is used for both acne and dandruff.
在美容方面, 它对痤疮皮肤和头皮屑很有帮助。
atlas cedarwood oil
Base Notes White Cedarwood, Amber and Skin Musk.
前柠檬, 金盏花和甜瓜。中黑穗醋栗和菠萝。
Organic essential oils of fennel, bergamot, verbena and cedarwood essential oils.
茴香, 佛手柑, 马鞭草, 雪松等无机单方精油。

单词 Cedarwood 释义

  • 单词释义:[地名] [美国] 锡达伍德  [更多..]



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