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单词 elastic bands 例句大全,用单词elastic bands造句:

All types of elastic bands.
If elastic bands and barrettes are used at all, they must not be tight. They hae been noted to cause traction alopecia.
如果用皮绳和夹子, 不要太紧, 他们会引起牵引性脱发。
These elastic bands have perished.
The technique of wrapping elastic bands creates tunnels, a perspective space, and peek holes.
Use elastic bands and trampolines to jump above obstacles or through fire rings, remembering to avoid falling anding your helmet.
使用弹性带和蹦床跳障碍或通过火圈, 记住避免和你的头盔。
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单词 elastic bands 释义

  • 单词释义:<英>橡皮圈( elastic band的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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