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单词 CSER 例句大全,用单词CSER造句:

Thompson offered several ideas for a new publicservice psychiatry agenda.
The scattered cseria would meet annually to resolve problems and trade goods.
分散的塞里亚每年相聚, 商讨事宜, 交换货物。
For his part, Lord Mandelson is a more zealous believer in publicservice reform than the prime minister has seemed.
就曼德尔森而言, 他似乎比首相还热衷于公共服务改革。
To be worth the manifesto paper they will be printed on, publicservice guarantees need to be readily enforceable.
为了对的起印刷的公告纸, 公共服务担保需要立刻开始实施。

单词 CSER 释义

  • 单词释义:皮质躯体感觉激发反应  [更多..]



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