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单词 DAsA 例句大全,用单词DAsA造句:

At their leader's command set out at andupon the enemy at the village of Adasa.
然后遵照领袖的命令, 立时从那里动身, 在德扫村与敌人交锋。
Cokes new bottledwater brand,Dasani,is scheduled to hit the marketplace in late spring.
As in Tadasana, lengthen and broaden the soles of both feet.
就像在山式, 延长和扩展你双脚的脚底。
Chotto Matte Kudasai, Please excuse me while I cry.
请等一下, 原谅我在哭泣。
Monks, there once was a time when the Dasarahas had a large drum called Summoner.
Occasionally precede Tadasana with a thorough foot massage.

单词 DAsA 释义

  • 单词释义:dehydroascorbic acid 脱氢抗坏血酸  [更多..]



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