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单词 Water 例句大全,用单词Water造句:

Ah, sea, all of you are water!Ah, horse, you have four legs!
branch of a river that forms a backwater
A worker in a desert would need about a gallon and a half of water.
What a cheap in BeiJing, watermelon are a dime a dozen.
Upset a cup of water into a depression on the mud floor and a mustard seed will float like a boat.
A lake is a body of water and an island is a body of land.
A full can of water shall be added, a little at a time.
Air is a fluid but not a liquid, while water is both a fluid and a liquid.
A brook is a natural waterway smaller than a river.
A gutter or groove in a roof. a ditch to carry extra irrigation water
A parka with a waterproof shell. enclosed in a package or protective covering.
A brook is a natural waterway smaller than a river.
In the dry season, aardvarks sniff out the watery melons, digging deep to quench their thirst.
旱季时, 土豚嗅出饱含着水的蜜瓜, 便往深处挖掘以解口渴。
We can still hear sounds while our heads aare under water.
当我们的头埋入水下时, 我们仍能听到声音。
Aaron and his sons are to wash their hands and feet with water from it.
Then Moses brought Aaron and his sons forward and washed them with water.
摩西带了亚伦和他儿子来, 用水洗了他们。
Bring Aaron and his sons to the entrance to the Tent and wash them with water.
要使亚伦和他儿子到会幕门口来, 用水洗身。
And there was no water for the congregation and they gathered themselves together against Moses and against Aaron.
会众没有水喝, 就聚集攻击摩西, 亚伦。
But then came draft night and in came the little water bug guard Aaron Brooks.
但是选秀的那天晚上, 他们又挑中了迷你后卫布鲁克斯。
So Aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of Egypt, and the frogs came up and covered the land.
亚伦便伸杖在埃及的诸水以上, 青蛙就上来, 遮满了埃及地。
The fresh water with the biggest crop of abalone department United States is high grade fish.
The match had to be abandoned because the pitch was waterlogged.
Smee, decided to abandon the ship by jumping down into the water.
Technical Probe into Electric Coal Drill in Prospectingand Drainage of Abandoned Mine Water
to abandon the foot of the water drop, it will seep into the soil moist earth
把一滴水水弃之脚下, 它会渗入土壤滋润大地

单词 Water 释义



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