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单词 all year round 例句大全,用单词all year round造句:

The temperature here is below twenty degrees all year round.
Away from home, he hires himself out to work all year round.
May you start safe and sound all year round in the new year.
It is actually an ideal choice for travel all the year round.
This wine cellar stays at an even temperature all year round.
It's very cold there and covered with snow all the year round.
The country is of maritime climate, and is wet all year round.
这个国家得气候为海洋性气候, 全年都很湿润。
He wish it were spring all the year round if he were a magician.
如果他会魔术的话, 他愿四季常春。
They climbed up a mountain covered with snow all the year round.
All the year round except Sundays, I passed her nearly every day.
一年四季, 除去星期天, 我几乎天天与她相遇。
Our company deals in all kinds of non-woven goods all year round.
He is not used to wearing a hat and goes bareheaded all year round.
I mean, there seems to be something to celebrate all the year round.
The grassland beyond this mountain has little rain all the year round.
These soldiers defend the border area of China's North all year round.
This is how she carries on her work, rain or shine, all the year round.
I prefer an evergreen hedge because it has leaves on all the year round.
我更喜欢冬青树篱, 因为它全年都有叶子。
All year round this tree was covered with white flowers and golden apples.
My uncle is a sailor, he leads a wandering life in the sea all year round.
Taking tonics in winter enaBles you to Be in high spirit all the year round.
冬令进补, 可使您四季精神十足。
I have another place in my garden where the geraniums thrive all year round.
我还有一个地方是我的花园, 而天竺葵兴旺一年四季。
This festive winter cap will give you good luck and cheer all the year round.
I have been longing for the splendid golden, the sun irradiates all year round.
Many people think that the weather is cold and wet in Britain all the year round.
Indian skimmers are also seen here all year round, fishing the wellstocked river.
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单词 all year round 释义

  • 单词释义:全年,一年到头  [更多..]



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