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单词 worm in 例句大全,用单词worm in造句:

In British, the May Day is the season when the weather becoming worm, flowers blossoming and tress flourishing.
在英国, 五一节是天气变暖, 花儿开放树木繁茂的时节。
The shape of internal turbo cutlery in the worm influences directly the processing accuracy and efficiency of worm.
蜗杆内旋风铣刀的刃形, 直接影响蜗杆的加工精度和效率。
As the name suggests, Chinese caterpillar fungus of course, is a worm in winter, while in summer it becomes a grass.
顾名思义, 冬虫夏草当然冬天是虫, 而夏天就变成草了。
The worm may be taked part in the construction of buildup substrate, and they are the pioneer of phylloid algal buildup.
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