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单词 work education 例句大全,用单词work education造句:

In turn, how we do at work is vitally affected by the kind of education we get and most especially what we get out of our education.
因为习惯, 我们常常忽视了细节给他人的感受。
The contemporary studentsideological situation at polytechnic colleges and the countermeasures of politicalideological education work.
The Scientific Concept of Education Must Be Formed in Order to Enhance the Pertinency and Actual Effect of Ideological and Political Work
We should do well in settling down and educating those young people with neither education background nor work, and encourage them to find jobs themselves.
Researchers investigating brain size and mental ability say their work offers evidence that education protects the mind from the brains physical deterioration.
This year's International Women's Day is inspired by the theme of 'Equal access to education, training and science and technology: Pathway to decent work for women.'
We work to strengthen the bridges between education, training, science and technology and the labour market in order to promote equal opportunity to decent employment.
Humanistic education, with its completeness and comprehensiveness, finds itself helpful to the improvement of capacity for career and productiveness of potential work force.
The high regard for education which is deeply imbedded in Chinese culture, and the willingness to work very hard to gain advancement, are other noteworthy characteristics of theirs.
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