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单词 work day 例句大全,用单词work day造句:

Some people can get tired of slaving at the same work day after day.
It is very simple to work out the amount of calories needed each day.
The bell rang, announcing the passing of the day and the end of work.
铃声响了, 宣告白天已经过去, 工作已经结束。
When you work with people day after day, youre bound to make friends.
We read our mail, wash, eat breakfast, read the plan of our work day.
Available to work shift work, with rotating shifts over 24 hours a day
to work as day laborers at a commercial farm for about 48 cents a day.
去为一个每天大概只挣五十分的商业农场 做苦工。
All employees in the company work day and night, and take great pains.
公司所有的员工都这样没日没夜地干活, 非常辛苦。
But I dislike work that is monotonous, always the same from day to day.
Look for opportunities all through your day to work in physical activity.
Can’t fall asleep. Nervous and antsy for my first day of work tomorrow.
A whole day's hard work and the delicious food give them a good appetite.
With a wet towel bound about his aching brow, he had been at work all day.
In order to advance to complete the task, workers work just night and day.
Eg. Being a farmer is a hard life. You have to work all day and all night.
农民生活很苦, 他要夜以继日的工作。
Every day I arrive first, leave last, and even work through my lunch time.
Many IT professionals use this amphitheatre to unwind after a hard day at work.
It's fairly hard to work with someone who carries a hangover to work every day.
Did the department manager arrange someone to guide you on your first work day?
When your cerebrum day in day out in wants to work, the working pressure formed.
We were so busy at work during Spring Festival that we had to work day and night.
One day it will work, but when your database doubles in size it won't work anymore.
I look down on man who vents his anger on his family after having a bad day at work.
我瞧不起那些工作不顺心就拿家里人出气 的男人。
For two weeks, Mark, military uniform all,accompanied Susan to and from work each day.
"I thought I'd take a day off work today.""Oh no you don't honey!"
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单词 work day 释义

  • 单词释义:[经] 工作日;工日  [更多..]



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