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单词 without charge 例句大全,用单词without charge造句:

This course is designed for those without any meditation experience and it is free of charge.
As a hotel policy, we require one day's room charge as deposit for guests without a reservation.
The operation was completed without charge it wasn't long until Andrew was home again doing well.
手术没有支付任何费用, 安德鲁回家后不久就康复了。
But many in the music industry backed Cocker, who was arrested but later released without charge.
According to the source, these four women were held in administrative detention without charge or trial.
据来文提交人讲, 这四名妇女未经起诉或审判就被行政拘留。
All Canadian residents have access to medically necessary services from physicians and hospitals without charge.
The idea that the government could scoop up an American citizen and detain him indefinitely without charge struck some people as odd.
政府可以信手拈来一公民, 没有指控却无限期地拘留他。
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