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单词 win out 例句大全,用单词win out造句:

It turns out people think when they win the lottery their lives are going to be amazing.
Obviously, the chart out, if wants to win the championship, must work hard in this aspect.
And I couldnt get Daddy and his confident deathbed prediction that I would win out of my mind.
我始终想着老爸在临终前确信的预言, 他说我会胜出。
Most people are fairly confident that the workers will win through am usually win out in the end.
大部分人很有信心, 认为劳方会取得最终的胜利。
When you're locked in a room with someone determined to win a price concession, you have to wait him out.
Will existing television and radio stations,or satellite and cable TV win out in the popularity stakes?
And England defender Wes Brown is also out due to a broken metatarsal injury sustained in the win at Molineux.
When he checked his ticket in the store, the win caused a bit of a stir and the store owner paid him out in cash.
This sort of behaviour spoils it for all the young people that are working their hearts out to win, it has to be stopped.
这种行为扰乱了那些用心争取胜利的年轻人, 必须阻止。
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单词 win out 释义

  • 单词释义:最终获得成功;战胜,胜过  [更多..]



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