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单词 win over 例句大全,用单词win over造句:

Our product is sure to win out over those of our competitors.
She turned on the charm and tried to win over the spectators.
她一下子装出一副媚态, 企图笼络在旁边观看的人。
Is the battle of the sexes really over, and if so, did anyone win
Shifu and Po duel over the last dumpling and Po manages to win it.
How a good idea eventually comes to win out over much worse ideas.
We don't want to win this trophy and then consider the season over.
Out new product is sure to win out over all those of our competitors.
Aware of Tian Yi Bang's unwavering loyalty, she tries to win him over.
她知道田一邦重情重义, 设法拉拢他。
The allyoucaneat buffet would win over the fancy restaurant every time.
Governments are falling over each other to win valuable export contracts.
So I, too, will make this popped corn and win over those mindless drones.
I'm trying to win over a little girl who clearly doesn't want a new mother.
If the judges see me tripping over that klutz, there's no way I'm gonna win.
要是评委见到我跟呆瓜一起出场 我就输定了。
That, he believes, would alienate those in ZANUPF whom he hopes to win over.
他相信, 这样做会离间民盟, 并赢得民盟部分人的支持。
The administration is working hard to win over the naysayers on its own side.
The second crucial moment was certainly our win over Sweden in the Eighth final.
Try to win over a confession from a criminal by explaining the relevant policies
America cannot win over sufficient numbers of the Afghan Pashtun on whom Coin depends.
Gerard Pique was an unused substitute in Real Zaragozas31 home win over Getafe in La Liga.
皮克的萨拉戈萨31主场击败了赫塔费, 但他本人没能上场。
Most recently it was leaving Dimitar Berbatov on the bench for last week's win over Arsenal.
The President vijing complain to president is waging a campaign to win over Labor organized labor.
We do not always win over time Like rush like flowing water flow, spring and summer autumn and winter.
我们始终敌不过时间像流水一样匆匆流过, 春夏秋冬。
The gaffer signed off by warning his charges against complacency after their emphatic win over the Potters.
在对陶工的胜利后, 贝尼特斯警告了球队千万不可以自满。
Among them, the USSR made a great sacrifice in the war to win over German invaders. Its casualties were nearly 28 million.
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单词 win over 释义

  • 单词释义:赢得…的支持[赞同];争取;胜诉;收揽  [更多..]



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