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单词 wives 例句大全,用单词wives造句:

Russian Young Husbands Married to Aged Wives and Young Wives Married to Aged Men
On the Tragic Origin of Poetry about Abandoned Wives in the Qin and Han Dynasties
A crowd comprised of the wives and children of scientists staged a demonstration.
Allah will reward those in the Garden with beautiful wives with wide, lovely eyes.
Inheritance customs also commonly discriminate against daughters, wives and widows.
Two cats and a mouse, two wives in one house, two dogs and a bone, never agree in one.
Husbands and wives use this dog house doghouse term when they are angry at each other.
Overall, wives and husbands behaved more positively when the woman was better looking.
Some husbands always sing the blues about how much housework their wives leave with them.
Soldiers serving overseas arranged to remit part of their pay to their wives and families.
Husbands should share household chores with their wives and see that the children do likewise.
丈夫应分担妻子的家务杂事, 给孩子做好榜样。
The records about the wives of the recruited in Tang Dynasty are presented commonly in Tang Poem.
Communes sometimes required husbands and wives to live apart and adultery became a serious offense.
Old men kneel and accept their fate. Wives and daughters cut and raped. A generation drenched in hate.
于是, 你就跪在一边, 等候神。
Deceitful and despicable is one descriiption that wronged wives could apply to their cheating husbands.
And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons'wives entered the ark to escape the waters of the flood.
The Love Dare is a 40day challenge for husbands and wives to understand and practice unconditional love.
天的挑战, 来帮助他们理解和练习无条件的爱。
Hands over 1000 Yuan earnest moneys then to bestow value 380 Yuan good wives an electromagnetic oven set!
According to the Bible, among his wives he had seven hundred princesses, as well as three hundred concubines.
圣经记载, 他有妃七百, 嫔三百。
Even husband wives fight you know when two people FIGHT then both are out fo their head and both loose patience.
Important Effect on the Wives of Businessmen of Huizhou in Selecting Career for their Children and Grandchildren
It is advised for the wives that have already borne child to choose contraception measures with longterm effectiveness.
A courtesy title is a form of address in systems of nobility used by children, formal wives, and other close relatives of a peer.
Then I remembered his three wives, his shabby appearance, his lame donkey and its dilapidated saddle, his djellaba with the torn sleeves.
Lord T. was considered singularly licentious even for the courts of Russia and Portugal; he acquired three wives and fourteen children during his Portuguese embassy alone.

单词 wives 释义

  • 单词释义:妇人;妻子( wife的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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