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单词 wide range 例句大全,用单词wide range造句:

Halogen synergist fire retardants and smoke suppressants for a wide range of polymer applications.
My education has given me a wide range of background knowledge in the field of international trade.
The Alumni Affinity Card offer access to a wide range of benefits, services, discounts and products.
If you have osteoarthritis of the knee, you can take advantage of a wide range of treatment options.
Corrosion resistance and high strength, wide range of usage. Argon arc welding of aluminum alloys.
Crown gall disease affects a wide range of plants, including roses, ornamental trees and fruit trees.
A wide range to meet the most demanding specifications coupled with unstinting quality sets us apart.
Polyester fiber for its excellent performance, with a wide range of applications and industrial base.
涤纶纤维以其优异的性能, 具有广泛的应用和产业基础。
Steel Manifolds with Low Profile Ports are suitable for a wide range of liquid handling applications.
Corrosion resistance and high strengthwide, wide range of usage. Argon arc welding of aluminum alloys.
特性和用途耐蚀, 强度高, 通用性大。铝合金氩弧焊用。
Special structure , excellent watereliminating performance , adaptable to wide range of wind speed.
It covered a wide range of Hong Kong brand name products, including garments and electrical appliances.
It has applications in a wide range of fields, including materials science, nanotechnology and medicine.
These protein phosphorylation cascades link extracellular stimuli to a wide range of cellular responses.
A wide range of consultations and briefings led the Ad Hoc Advisory Group to make a number of observations.
A wide range of services is provided which care for young children and infants from birth to 4 years of age.
A wide range of services is provided which care for young children and infants from birth to 6 years of age.
Mr.Obama said he intends to encompass a wide range of social and political views in his inaugural celebration.
Waldo, Macaos first boutique hotel, offers you a wide range of ways to find both zest and zen during your stay.
华都, 澳门的顶级精品酒店, 提供了让您留恋于此的多种选择
The achievements of Tang oral popular literature is the most dazzling. And the participants encompassed a wide range.
唐代口承俗文学的成就是最为耀眼的, 其参与者非常广泛。
Then according to portfolio theory, access to a wide range of life insurance actuarial present value model portfolio.
And a wide range of application of bisphenol S in pesticide, dyestuff and accessory ingredient intermediate etc. are narrated.
At furthermore, it also opens the door to a wide range of applications which could be based graphical information tactile display.
Remember must making before plaster wall achieves plaster requirement, wall of ashen wide range will be aggravating plaster blemish.
就这样, 它们就飞越了烟道里的一条裂纹。
According to a research presented bu Gartner, a key success factor consists of having a wide range of devices. Do you agree with this statement?
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单词 wide range 释义

  • 单词释义:宽波段,大量程  [更多..]



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