Where? The rooftop of my apartment building, a place where 94 families call home.
在哪儿烧的?在我公寓大厦屋顶,里面住着96户 家庭。
And this was Gene showing the uncle where Atlanta was on the map, where he lived.
The story is about where you're arriving, or thinking about where you're arriving.
Eight is the bait to be active now, and, where fishing and bait to where the spot.
八是鱼饵要现用现和, 在哪里垂钓, 就在哪里当场和饵。
Where do you think I should put up the notice Where everyones guaranteed to see it.
Burn where a film can be frozen at a chosen frame, as if jammed in a film projector.
Notice where exactly in your body the compulsive feeling begins, where is it located
注意这个冲动的感觉来自于身体的哪个部分, 它位于哪里
Do you know where the dark elements come from, and where the good elements come from?
A coffee cup will show where you can find more coffee, or where you can trash the cup.
Where is the way where light dwelleth? And as for darkness, where is the place thereof
The debate is served, where does freedom of speech end and where does censorship begin.
People who don't cherish their elderly have forgotten where they came and where they go.
不敬爱老人的人, 忘了他们是从哪里来, 也忘了他们将去何方。
A building or an establishment where iron is smelted or where heavy iron products are made.
The cargo is loaded, where possible, symmetrically in each hold and, where necessary, trimmed.
And we can actually leave it out where it's not needed at all and where we can preserve darkness.
不需要的时候就关掉 以保证对黑暗的需求。
Where history and fashion meet, where the east and the west shake hands under the five rings of the Olympics.
历史与潮流相结合, 东西方在奥运会的五环下握手的地方。
where strangers can not find the basis for peaceful collaboration, where people are murdered indiscriminately.
人们找不到一个能保障和平的共识 人们被不分青红地谋杀
Note where roadway is burned and the ghostly shadow imprints left where the surface was shielded by cement pillars.
like to catch him the first month where have spotted the fish, then the harbinger of where the fishing harvest in June.
如正月里捕到身上有斑点的鱼, 则预兆六月里捕鱼丰收。
There are places where there are no galaxies and there are places where there are thousands of galaxies clumped together, right.
有些地方就是挤满了星系 但是有些地方什么都没有
where the manufacture is rough or poor, or where superior quality is replaced by inferior quality, so that consumers are deceived
粗制滥造, 以次充好, 欺骗消费者的
Carefully compare the opposing army with your own, so that you may know where strength is superabundant and where it is deficient.
The problem is that we can create these large reserves only in places where there are no people, where there is no social conflict.
If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be?
Immediate steps should be taken to work out rules of discipline where none exist and to improve existing ones where they are imperfect or irrational.