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单词 Willows 例句大全,用单词Willows造句:

East of the county are weeping willows and purple path where we trolled around hand in hand.
The branches and leaves of the weeping willows by the river bank are stretching into the river.
The beautiful sparse shadows of the arching willows were like a picture etched on the lotus leaves.
The shadow of trees tinges the river with green, and the willows cast a deep hue over the river bank.
Beyond the islet there's a causeway lined with weeping willows, and the ponds full of blooming lotus.
小岛的远处有一条杨柳遮蔽的堤道, 池塘中开满了荷花。
Dream is a stream of weeping willows, whisk in the ripple effect of waves, rippling circle go through.
Willows on the bank lend their verdancy to three punts, Flowers on the other bank spare a breath of scent.
绕堤柳借三篙翠, 隔岸花分一脉香。
A Tartar under the willows is lamenting on his flute. That spring never blows to him through the Jade Pass.
羌笛何须怨杨柳, 春风不度玉门关。
In the early spring of the West Lake, willows turn green while peach and plum blossoms show a riot of color.
西湖初春柳绿花黄, 桃李争艳。
Two yellow orioles are singing atop the green willows, A flight of white egrets are flying up toward the sky.
One day at sunset, violet and purple rays illuminated the emerald trailers of the weeping willows on the dyke.
The few sparse hollyhocks beneath the withered willows by the stream must have been planted by the country girls.
河边枯柳树下的几株瘦削的一丈红, 该是村女种的吧。
Spring mom, look at those willows! The green scarf of voile, which I lost last year, is picked up by all their twig.
妈妈, 去年我丢在河边的那条绿纱巾, 原来是柳树拾去了!
Willows sweeping gently, moonlight pavilioning the lotus pond, there come four people, the host along with servants by boat.
Thawing of the river, the willows budding, as well as the warm winds caress my soul, so happy in the spring constantly growing
During late spring, all the grass and trees have turned green and the catkins from willows are floating everywhere in Beijing.
春深的北京已经草木着绿, 柳絮漫天了。
Around the pool, there are green willows approaching ground, green cedar rising to sky, clean water and countable swimming fishes.
When the canal was completed, the king had weeping willows planted on both banks and exotic flowers planted all over Fragrance Hill.
While ghosts of the Six Dynasties pass like a dream Around the Forbidden City, under weeping willows Which loom still for three miles along the misty moat.

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