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单词 video game 例句大全,用单词video game造句:

Across from the recycling center, theres a grimy shop with two battered video game consoles.
在废品回收中心对面, 有一间阴暗的小店里有2台游戏机。
The constant evolution of video game graphics has opened the door to many Halloween costumes.
Meanwhile, police have mastered the use of coin and video game players on the points situation.
同时, 民警也掌握了使用退币和上分电玩的玩家的情况。
As far as colleges go, there's about 348 colleges around the world teaching video game courses.
到目前为止,全世界大概有350所大学 教授游戏课程
While the medical community currently does not recognize video game addiction as a mental disorder.
Every day after school, Xiaozhang would go to the video game room and play video games for 2 hours.
Research on the Correlation between Life Events and Video Game Addiction in Junior Middle School Students
To play with video game machine is always like a novelty. You may make companions of it at your leisure time and never tire of it.
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单词 video game 释义

  • 单词释义:计算机游戏,电视游戏  [更多..]



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