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单词 Ventre 例句大全,用单词Ventre造句:

Ventress hails from Rattatak, a barbaric world where violent bloodshed is a daily occurrence.
她出生于拉塔塔克, 一个到处充满流血冲突的野蛮世界。
An Eventrelated Potential Study the on Information Processing of Binocular Disparity in Randomdot Stereogram.
The SevenTreasuresTutoringTemplewas first built during the Five Dynasties period.
七宝教寺, 始建于五代。
Ventress opened the cabinet and rummaged among the vials.
文崔斯打开橱柜, 翻弄那些药水瓶。
Ventress looked on, interested, a sparkle of lust flashing into her eyes.
Ventress grabbed a syringe and filled it with the fluid. Then marched toward the cell where Kenobi was locked.

单词 Ventre 释义



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