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单词 vice versa 例句大全,用单词vice versa造句:

It is not a must that all models have a corresponding controller, or vice versa.
并不是所有的模型都必须有一个对应的控制器, 反之亦然。
Clearly the lower the penetration, the harder the bitumen tested, and vice versa.
显然越低, 就越沥青的渗透试验, 反之亦然。
It is wrong to deal with a minor offence as if it were a major one and vice versa.
轻罪重判不对, 重罪轻判也不对。
Teachers qualified to teach in England are not accepted in Scotland and vice versa.
Likewise, when there is an access to heaven, there's also one to hell, and vice versa.
如果有天堂可达, 未来就有地狱可入, 反之亦然。
Propriety suggests reciprocity. It is not propriety not to give but to receive, or vice versa.
来而不往, 亦非礼也。
Propriety suggests reciprocity .It is not propriety not to give but to receive ,or vice versa .
Stainless steels with relatively positive steady potential were corrosion resistant and vice versa.
Experience has shown that peace and stability constitute vital components for development, and vice versa.
经验表明, 和平与稳定构成了发展的重要部分, 反之亦然。
Business ethics textbooks often favor the utilitarian method over the deontological method, or vice versa.
The fifth measure is the development of a machine translation service from English into Thai, and vice versa.
What happens in a world in which atoms are replaced by bits? In which everything that was wired becomes wireless, and vice versa?
and can convert semiautomatic to fully automatic system and vice versa, including the door of the fire station and ambulance station.
Like the weather, we are a complex amalgam of feedback systems: genes in our brains switch on in response to our behavior as well as vice versa.
So Belgium should swap places with the Czech Republic. The stolid, wellorganised Czechs would get on splendidly with their new Dutch neighbours, and vice versa.
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单词 vice versa 释义

  • 单词释义:反过来也一样;反之亦然  [更多..]



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