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单词 vice president 例句大全,用单词vice president造句:

Kirk Bailey was appointed to the position of executive vice president, Oil Sands, in 2007.
Former Vice President Al Gore presented the prizes in San Francisco, California last week.
Patrick T. Doyle, Senior Vice President, Treasurer, Controller and Chief Accounting Officer
资深副总裁, 财务长, 主计长, 会计长
Through hard work and perseverance, she ascended through the ranks to become vice president.
Many senators would resent an attempt by the Vice President to take part in Senate business.
Vice president of Peking University Lin Junjing attended the symposium and made his remarks.
His office later backtracked and said the vice president was talking about travel to Mexico.
He traveled aboard the military aircraft often used to fly Vice President Dick Cheney around.
A secretariat was established which included the president, vice president and board members.
委员会秘书处成员由主席, 副主席及委员组成。
He served successively as Director of Department as well as Vice President of Peking University.
先后任北京大学东语系系主任, 北京大学副校长。
Adams was George Washington's vice President for eight years before he became President himself.
在亚当成为总统之前, 他出任华盛顿的副总统达八年之久。
Another warning from the Bush administration to Iran this time delivered by Vice President Cheney.
Because of his outstanding contributions to the project, the board promoted him to vice president.
Yuan Shuhong was relieved of the post as Vice President of China National School of Administration.
A senior vice president has a different image to maintain than that of a secretary or sales assistant.
The vice President is the only member of the Executive Branch not subject to removal by the President.
Lan Gang, vice president of Zkungfu, confirmed during an interview Tuesday that the documents are true.
Since then, the president and vice president have been elected separately. But run for office together.
All cheques shall be signed on behalf of the credit union by the President or Vice President and Treasurer.
The president and vice president of the United States of America are elected by 538 Electoral College voters.
He first served as chief telecommunications scientist and vice president at Huawei Technologies, Later, he joined Baidu in Oct.
These technologies create a kind of real-time, multilingual intercom, says John Patrick, vice president of Internet technology at IBM.
Their congressional seats are then filled by special elections. The president and vice president are supported by an appointed cabinet.
Uruguays Vice President, National Congress President and Senate President Rodolfo Gustavo Nin Novoa and other officials attended the meeting.
We encourage our fish to invest in anything that has to do with anything digital, ' says Julia Goldberg, executive vice president of corporate technology services.
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单词 vice president 释义

  • 单词释义:副总统(或大学副校长等)  [更多..]



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