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单词 up to date 例句大全,用单词up to date造句:

to keep the accounts up to date
Appendix should be maintained up to date.
Miranda had agreed to be fixed up on a blind date.
Maintains an adequate and up to date filing system.
The files were accessed every day to keep them up to date.
A few additional facts are required to bring it up to date.
Receive and acknowledge drawings ensuring register is up to date.
However, up to this date, we don't appear to have received remittance.
然而截至目前为止, 我方尚未收到汇款额。
Make sure you have a good antivirus product and it is kept up to date.
确信你已经有一个好得反病毒产品, 并且保持最新。
I have only a few additional facts to add to bring the report up to date.
要使这份报告包括最新资料, 我仅有几点事实需补充。
However, up to this date, we dont appear to have received your remittance.
然而截至目前为止, 我们尚未收到汇款额。
According to the data up to date, the amount of the debt was250 thousand dollars.
The Up to date Development of the Theory of Direct Reference Advanced by S. Soames
Users are strongly recommended to ensure their antivirus databases are up to date.
Applicants are required to pay up the required course fee before course commencement date.
Up to 30 times admission anytime during opening hours, valid for a year from purchasing date.
Up to date new developed alloy, which has excellent strength and corrosion resistance properties.
最新开发的合金, 具有更高的强度和优秀的抗腐蚀性能。
For this new paperback edition the author has added an Afterword that brings the narrative up to date.
这种新的平装版, 作者补充了一段采访后, 将叙事切合时宜。
Can you try to get your manufacturer round to step up production so as to advance the date of delivery?
The rates in the daywork schedule shall apply up to the date of expiry of the defects liability period.
Set this device to ' friend, ' and it will alert nearby Lovegety owners that you might be up for a date.
The Consignor shall absorb insurance premium and warehousing charges up to the date of delivery to customers.
The local government regularly holds lectures on high and new technologies to bring administrators of various levels up to date in technology.
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单词 up to date 释义

  • 单词释义:拥有(或包含)最新信息的;最新式的;现代化的;至今;到目前为止  [更多..]



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