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单词 utilities 例句大全,用单词utilities造句:

Cheops is an Open Source Network User Interface designed to unify your network utilities.
一款开源网络用户接口, 为统一你的网络实用程序而设计。
Individual process equipment and utilities preventative maintenance working order archive.
Specifically, this article discusses maintenance strategies and available backup utilities.
Utilities, for example are already being hurt by falling industrial demand for electricity.
比如, 公用事业股已因为工业用电需求下滑而受到损害。
Prior to construction, delineate and mark all property boundaries and underground utilities.
在建造之前, 画出并标出所有的财产边界和地下设备。
For electric utilities, it is the first process in the delivery of electricity to consumers.
The fortunate utilities are those that have been able to cut their losses and get out early.
Flowers. Are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities of the world.
Once the new module is created, it can be loaded and unloaded by using the new module utilities.
一旦新模块被创建, 它可以被新的模块工具加载或缷载。
The theory of Chinese and Western cultures as substance and utilities is a cultural proposition.
We manage the disconnection of domestic utilities, such as water or electricity, through metering.
When ordinal utilities are used, differences are treated as ethically or behaviorally meaningless.
The base contains useful utilities, such as bootstrapping and event notification, to name just a few.
基础部分中包含有用的库, 比如自举和事件通知等等。
The prior planning of infrastructure and public utilities helped to facilitate speedy rehabilitation.
Employees of public utilities including water and electricity services have no right to strike at all.
Autonomous water utilities should be financially independent as well as technically and economically efficient.
Modern economists are familiar with the difficulty, nay theimpossibility, of measuring utilities between persons.
Wietse is also the author of the Postfix mail system and the coauthor of the very cool suite of utilities called The Coroners Toolkit or TCT.

单词 utilities 释义

  • 单词释义:[经济学]效用( utility的名词复数 );实用;公用事业;神庙逃亡游戏中的一次性道具;水电费(utility的复数)  [更多..]



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