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单词 utilized 例句大全,用单词utilized造句:

The yield from aspen timber is best when relatively short components of sawn wood can be utilized.
The light fraction of gravity separation can be directly utilized or screened prior to utilization.
The strategic customer information access interfaces were utilized for this tactical implementation.
The Statistical Linearization Adjoint Method is utilized in the numerical simulations of this paper.
The increased biotic production may be utilized by more domestic animal, raises the economic benefit.
这种种植方式有较高的生物产量, 增加了农田的载畜量。
Tree structure coding is utilized and crossover and mutation are uniquely designed in this algorithm.
Three brands of chrome containing polyacrylate retanning agent were utilized to pretan chrome leather.
The generating mode of operation is utilized in some drive applications to provide regenerative braking.
The intervening period of about one and a half months should be fully utilized by the Congolese parties.
Humanity along with the slave race in particular was utilized to construct the matrixes along with nature.
Seeing that Zhang was not moved by his letters, Shen utilized a strategy combing both hard and soft means.
Electronics stepless speed regulation, conveyor utilized stainless steel net in order to stabilize transmission.
Firstly, the measuring information of BF process is utilized to establish the temperature field of burden surface.
首先, 充分利用高炉生产过程检测信息建立料面温度场。
Effect of Different Fertilizer Method on Slow Release Carbamide Fertilizer Effect and Nitrogen Utilized Coefficient
S P immunohistochemical method was utilized to detect the OPN protein in colorectal cancer and liver metastasis tissues.
The system is utilized the frequency conversion regulation, Yet the mono device setting and the gearshift compounding.
Replacement of the energy convergence criteria utilized by Lai Wuqing with that based on the secant stiffness was given.
The design explained that, This design is by receives the body primarily, has utilized the splicing technique in the craft.
The hydrogen production technology was utilized to revamp a light oil hydrogen production unit for processing coking dry gas.
The treatment of the waste acid was discussed from sulfuric acid alkylation plant, and it was utilized to produce active clay.
The results indicated that phosphate ore and potash feldspar in the compound ore could be comprehensively recovered and utilized.
Thirdly , to consummate the monitoring mechanism in inner police , making sure that interrogating lien should be utilized correctly.
完善公安内部监督机制, 保证盘问留置权的正确使用。
Preservative, colorants are not used during the manufacturing process and high pressure vacuum sterilizing is utilized to kill germs.
The utility model can be conveniently utilized or stored, and has the advantages of being not easy to be lost and no infection for riding.
The theoretical basis is contributed for sawyers to reasonably utilized logs and choose the sawing method in the production process in sawmills.

单词 utilized 释义

  • 单词释义:利用,使用( utilize的过去式和过去分词 )  [更多..]



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