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单词 upside down 例句大全,用单词upside down造句:

Before I realized it I was crouched over, my head upside down beneath the table.
没意识到之前, 我探过身, 头朝下看着那边桌子的下方。
Today, this piece of land of has long been turned upside down, hustle and bustle.
The contempt of the opponent s poem it must not fart, turn the world upside down!
最蔑视对手的一句诗不须放屁, 试看翻天覆地!
He turned his wallet upside down and six dollar bills floated down on to the table
At times they go so far as to confound right and wrong and turn things upside down.
He turned his wallet upside down and six dollar bills floated down on to the ruble.
Officials hung the flag upside down. You could have cut the atmosphere with a knife.
According to reports the navigator ejected while the aircraft was flying upside down.
carry someone against his will upside down such that each limb is held by one person.
And I did, and I learned to fly upside down and became an aerobatics flying instructor.
We are aware that our proposal amounts to turning the traditional EU logic upside down.
我们清楚, 我们的建议意味着对欧盟传统逻辑的颠覆。
Previously, was photographed by a paparazzi back, Gillian traumatic turned upside down.
The wind blew so strongly that the nest turned upside down and three baby birds fell out.
You have to wear special clothing, just in case your raft gets turned upside down or sinks.
The official portait of George W. Bush available free from the White House hung upside down.
Invert the cake, still in the pan, onto a wire rack and leave to cool completely, upside down.
Policeman Yes, the house was in a terrible mess. It was almost turned upside down by the burglar.
Yoda was leaning against the wall, apparently unhurt with a bowl of gruel tipped upside down on his head.
尤达斜靠在墙上, 一碗麦片粥不偏不倚正倒扣在他的脑袋上。
The comparison of effects between the bed upside down and routine methods for discharge stone in lower calyx
Emperor Zhu accepted Empress Mas suggestions and ordered the people to hang Happiness upside down from then on.
朱元璋觉得有道理, 就下令以后的福字都倒着贴。
The Influence and Countermeasure of Putting to the Proof and Responsibility Place upside down to Medical Activity
It is only when you turn it over and remove the protective cap that you see that it is a beer bottle, upside down!
Hung upside down, they turn limp, resigned to their fate except for the occasional mild jab at their captors hand.
除了在捕猎者的手中偶尔挣扎一下外, 它们听天由命。
On Probing of Hoisting Technique by Placing Upside Down Method for Slipping of the Combination of Torch Pylon Tower
Put the peppers into a bowl with the ends done, sprinkle garlic and steam till done, drain off the soup stock, turn the bowl upside down on a plate.
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单词 upside down 释义

  • 单词释义:颠倒,倒转;混乱地;冠履倒易  [更多..]



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