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单词 unit size 例句大全,用单词unit size造句:

a linear unit of the size of type slightly larger than an em.
What factors have allowed this marked expansion in size of the farm unit ?
农场规模大小的这种显著发展, 是什么因素引起的? ?
From its size, the image appears to be a bomber unit in a moving operation.
从敌机的大小判断, 这图像像是移动中的轰炸机。
Please enter a positive integer size followed by an optional unit of measure.
Effect of Zinc Powder Size for Cobalt Removal from Zinc Sulphate Solution on Unit Consumption
At its basis lies the concept of a use case transaction, the smallest unit of size measurement.
英文例句大全为您提供unit size英文例句大全,unit size英文造句,关于unit size的英语句子,单词unit size怎么造句,unit size英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于unit size,英语单词unit size的句子,单词unit size如何造句,unit size怎么造句等。

单词 unit size 释义



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