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单词 unit area 例句大全,用单词unit area造句:

The acreage sown in grain crops will be expanded, and the yield per unit area increased.
扩大粮食播种面积, 努力提高单产。
Quantitative Analysis on the Influential Factors of Annual Yields Per Unit Area of grain
Discussion on Using of Combined Pumping Unit to Dredge Coral Reefs in Green Area in Sudan.
Area of cross section of the main air flow production of shaft kiln for unit cross section
Gross Area includes the Unit Covered Area and the Apportioned Share of Common Area per unit.
Make better fine breed and method unginned cotton per unit area yield beyond one thousand Jin
In the area of education, the basic unit, which is the family, must be assigned a priority position.
Those are lines of equal power consumption per unit area, which I measure in watts per square meter.
他们代表相同的单位面积耗能 单位是瓦特每平方米
The radiant energy emitted per unit time in a specified direction by a unit area of an emitting surface.
There are two main components that contribute to livestock output per unit area under grazing conditions.
Specific technical measures to improve the quality and unit production of hazel trees in Daxinganling area
Area of grain ration cropland should rise to decrease accordingly along with commissariat unit area yield.
The more the poplar of per unit area absorbed liquid, the more its surface free energy hail in the same time.
Taiking About the Breeding System of Flax Fine Breed for Fiber and the Way of Raising Seed Yield Per Unit Area.
The unit and the wind tube, return to the bellower or the gusty area connection, should strict, be reliable.
Resilient floor coverings. Determination of mass per unit area of a reinforcement or a backing of polyvinyl chloride floor coverings.
Unit system fills in the area with a vacuum between nation and personal, and adapt to the demand which come from social and political integration at the same time.
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