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单词 union down 例句大全,用单词union down造句:

Examples of the Union flag flying upside down.
The speaker is shouted down by militant union members.
The Congress voted down a motion to change the union's structure.
The negotiations between the Union and management have broken down.
The talk with the union leader bogged down on the question of wages.
The Iron Curtain came down with the fall of the former Soviet Union.
The Iron Curtain came down with the fall of the former Soviet Union.
随着前苏联的解体, 铁幕也随之降下。
The union refused to back down and called for immediate strike action.
The management are refusing to climb down and agree to the union's demands.
They're kicking us while we're down because none of us belong to their union.
The company is closing down, for it has been unable to come to terms with the trade union.
因为这家公司没能和工会达成协议, 它要倒闭了,
A vessel was sighted with the glass, drifting with the wind, and showing her flag with the union down.
望远镜中看到一只船在风中漂荡, 倒挂着英国国旗。
A member of the household cavalry rides down the Mall adorned in Union flags ahead of the royal wedding.
That scab union was a tool used by the capitalists in their vain attempt to damp down the labour movement.
Both the United States and European Union have called on Russian authorities to hunt down and prosecute the killers.
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