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单词 unfolded 例句大全,用单词unfolded造句:

This book has unfolded the millennium latter mammoth humanity interspace epic poem!
Those unfolded are living memories. However, I always reminisce the tree of sixteen.
The selfconscious tulip unfolded her petals and carpeted the ground with gaudy colour.
含羞的郁金香舒展开她的花瓣, 在地上铺上一层炫丽的色彩。
All this time the boy's father watched from his living room window the drama unfolded.
Will it be used in the future when rectification is unfolded, in factories for instance ?
It is made all the more nightmarish by the measured deliberation with which it is unfolded.
由于他精心构思情节, 反倒有梦魇般的魔力。
See the below for the change chart of wedge angle of round eccentricity and unfolded layout.
And he had his phone with him to record his views as the World Cup draw unfolded live on TV.
The second part is unfolded surrounding his thought of the clear streamand state affair management.
Without haste he put on his reading glasses, unfolded the strips of paper with professional skill, and arranged them on the table.
The soul of the painting by Xu Bei Hong, a late Chinese master artist, came to life on its wings as we unfolded the scroll gently.
徐徐开卷, 悲鸿大师的墨魂, 展翅而飞。

单词 unfolded 释义

  • 单词释义:展开的,解开的  [更多..]



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