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单词 under cover 例句大全,用单词under cover造句:

They were ordered to advance in the enemy's position under cover of darkness.
Enemy agents act under cover while we are in the open, so we must be on guard.
We are sending you under cover a catalogue covering goods available at present.
We will send you under separate cover by airmail a copy of the latest catalogue.
Two companies were moved up under cover of darkness to reinforce the front line.
We are sending you under cover a catalog covering the goods available at present.
Under cover of the smoke, the brave soldier reached the dry ditch under the bridge.
Under cover of the Polar Night, they emerge to paint the sky in the colours of time.
Please also look for our new catalog via email, under separate cover for your review.
Determination and Analysis of Oceanic Heat Flux Under Sea Ice Cover in the Liaodong Bay
She had to made a desperate attempt to leave her husband so she left under the cover of night.
她只能孤注一掷, 离开她的丈夫, 所以她趁着夜色跑了。
Jacob sneaks under the cover of Isaac's blindness and steals away with his father's blessings.
Under separate cover, we have sent you samples of various sizes, our catalogue and price list.
另函附寄各型号样本, 商品目录和价格表。
Application of Slip Casting Techniques in Project of Underground Excavation under Shallow Cover
We acknowledge your order, and advise you that the goods will be despatched under separate cover.
Under submachine gun cover, the company commander rushed forward to the foot of the enemy's blockhouse.
Every night, it was said, he came creeping in under cover of darkness and performed all kinds of mischief.
据说, 每天晚上他都在夜幕的掩护下潜入庄园, 无恶不作。
An insurance policy is acceptable in lieu of an insurance certificate or a declaration under an open cover.
Under the condition of orthogonal experiment process parameters, we actually produced Die Casting pump cover.
The children did not leave their classroom; they simply took cover under the wooden surface of their class desks.
Stability Analysis of soft batt tunnel and the surrounding rock under status of shallow cover layer and oblique load
The main gate was promptly closed behind them, to keep outsiders from slipping in under cover of the general tumult.
大门已经关上, 免得外面的闲人混进。
Destructive study of the cover rock relating to the fully mechanized mining with caving method under ravelly ground and nappe
Under the present climatic conditions, the genetic direction of the meadow soil types is constrained by their vegetative cover.
In compliance with your request, we are sending you, under separate cover, our latest catalogue and price list covering our export range.
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单词 under cover 释义

  • 单词释义:在隐蔽处;秘密地,保密;在信封[邮包]中  [更多..]



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