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单词 Uneven bars 例句大全,用单词Uneven bars造句:

She excels in vault, balance beam and uneven bars.
Problems in Uneven Bars Existing in Jiangsu Junior Gymnasts
Gymnastics woman will pageant, a fall from the uneven bars, injuries
体操女将选拔赛上从高低杠上摔下, 受重伤
Women alone compete on the balance beam and the uneven parallel bars.
Unlike high bar and rings, gymnasts may not be lifted to the uneven bars.
不同于单杠和吊环, 体操选手不能被举起送上高低杠。
Female gymnasts compete on the vault, uneven bars, balance beam and floor.
女选手要比自由操, 高低杠, 平衡木和跳马。
The Development and Innovation of Uneven Bars Skills in the World Nowadays
Research of Influential Elements New Gymnastics Rules on Chinese Uneven Bars
Study and Practice on the Front Circle Dismound with Reverse Hang in Uneven Bars
After the uneven bars competition ended, Yang Yi Lin has accepted the media interview.
The Analysis on the Advantage and Disadvantage of Chinese Uneven Bars in the36 World Championship
But last year she developed a fear of jumping from one bar to the other in the uneven bars event.
但去年她害怕跳, 从一个酒吧到另一个在高低杠。
Its range Philippines He Ke joyful has captured the horse and uneven bars' gold medal respectively.
Kinematic analysis of the main difficulties of the reqrired set of uneven bars in the 25th Olympic Games
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