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单词 tacit knowledge 例句大全,用单词tacit knowledge造句:

Social networking capabilities can help organizations capture unstructured tacit knowledge.
With the development of knowledge management, tacit knowledge is becoming the centre of KM.
The flowing and converting of tacit knowledge is the key of enterprise knowledge management.
Language teaching knowledge includes explicit teaching knowledge and tacit teaching knowledge.
Technical discipline is the knowledge of a special form with tacit knowledge as the main element.
术科是一种特殊形态的知识, 其主体成分为缄默知识。
Tacit knowledge is mainly contrast with conventional knowledge, which is called explicit knowledge.
The Differences between Western and Chinese Paintings from the Perspective of Tacit Knowledge Theory
Tacit knowledge can be used to explain why different entrepreneurs suffer different practical intelligence.
隐性知识水平差异, 可用来解释企业家能力差异的问题。
Third, the author discusses the transformation, transmission and exchange of the tacit knowledge in library.
The knowledge integration put emphasis on the tacit knowledge, its method has two kinds Direction and Organizational routines.
知识集成强调默会知识, 其方法有二说明书与组织惯例。
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