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单词 Synergy 例句大全,用单词Synergy造句:

A group that engages in collective work that requires joint effort and generates a positive synergy.
Sadly, synergy opportunities may exist only in the minds of the corporate leaders and the deal makers.
遗憾的是, 协同效应通常只存在于管理团队和交易者中。
Clever synergy will therefore be needed between public policy and these firmly independent institutions.
Purchasing Synergy on Enterprise Group is one of the important sources to build up Groups competition advantage.
Including property insurance and life insurance to promote synergy, the development of a more balanced business.
Prowl greatly increased damage, duration starts at 1 second and increases with level, synergy is now a selfsynergy.
潜行大大提升伤害, 持续时间1秒, 按等级提升, 自身协同
A high degree of synergy will be established between the two divisions during the implementation of the programme of work.
Treatment T3 with antioxidant enzymes and exogenous synergy processing made tobacco main chemical compositions more harmonious. 9.

单词 Synergy 释义

  • 单词释义:协同,配合,企业合并后的协力优势或协合作用  [更多..]



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