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单词 swirling 例句大全,用单词swirling造句:

The yeti, for his part, took off at a gallop and disappeared into a swirling snow storm.
犹如雪人身体的一部分, 他们飞奔并消失在茫茫的暴风雪中。
The water of the river is swirling at the bend; go and check if there is something wrong.
It braved plunging surface temperatures and a swirling dust storm that drained its power.
The swirling flow devices inserted in the inner tube of a concentric tube heat exchanger.
Three Dimensional Calculation of Swirling Performance of Annular Air Jet Flow in A circular Tube
Now it is a vast ocean of radiant clouds, now it is a boundless expanse of swirling mist and fog.
The inviscid linear stability of variable density swirling jets is analyzed by normal mode method.
All day long, thoughts are swirling around inside our head and we need to be conscious about this.
我们需要意识到, 思想整天纠缠着我们的内心。
Rumors are swirling about violence against women of both ethnicities as the source of the fighting.
The swirling jet diverges obviously, and the divergence increases with the raise of swirl intensity.
Numerical simulation also clearly demonstrates the swirling phenomena of the high pressure swirl injection.
At the turn of winter, it is mostly foggy weather with the peaks often shrouded in swirling mist and cloud.
冬春之交, 则多云雾, 千山万壑间云涌雾漫, 茫茫一片。
Research on Syngas Diluted Diffuse Flame Characteristics Under Different Swirling Intensity of Air and Fuel
Experimental study on metallurgical characteristics of swirling reactor driven by gravitational potential energy
Experimental Investigation and Numerical Simulation of Three Dimensional Turbulent Swirling Flow Locally Generated in Circular Pipe
Experimental study on velocity distribution and pulsation characteristic of inner dissipation discharge tunnel with level swirling flow

单词 swirling 释义

  • 单词释义:旋转,打旋( swirl的现在分词 )  [更多..]



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