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单词 toy 例句大全,用单词toy造句:

I was annoyed at the boy for spoiling the toy which belongs to Joy.
A toy airplane, a racing car and a little metal truck appeared next.
然后拿出了一个玩具飞机, 一个跑车和一个小铁卡车。
I was annoyed at the boy for spoiling the toy which belonged to Joy.
I was annoyed at the boy for spoiling the toy which belonged to Joy.
这个男孩使我生气, 他糟蹋了乔伊得玩具。
I was annoyed at the boy for spoiling the toy which belonged to Joy.
这个男孩使我生气, 他糟蹋了乔伊的玩具。
The boy took apart the toy car, but couldnt put it together again.
I have played entirely the toy box in toy, mother has not come back.
我把玩具箱里的玩具通通耍了一遍, 妈妈还没回来。
At present we mainly produce shining fashionable toy motor adornment.
Description Inflatable toy in the form of an animal, various colours.
Funk toys often make trouble, expert appeals to build toy sort system
整蛊玩具屡闯祸 专家呼吁建立玩具分级制
Now the tin toy is not the actual spaceship but the pilot of the spaceship.
现在, 锡玩具是不是实际的飞船, 但该飞船试验。
When I wasn't with the animals I spent hours playing with my favourite toy.
The carriages of the toy train lock onto the toy train with a special hook.
The shop usually employs additional salespeople for the Christmas toy trade.
The boy announced that he was going to try out his toy plane that afternoon.
The child has taken the toy apart, but does not know how to put it together.
这个小孩把玩具拆开了, 却不知道如何在组装起来。
This prepacked carefully articulated toy measures approximately 2.5 inches tall.
I hold since the age of 2, only toy rabbit, and he accompanied me for nearly 16 years.
我从2岁起就开始抱这只玩具兔子了, 他陪了我将近16年。
The toy glider she left him as a Christmas present was no compensation for her absence.
The amphibious whale shaped toy is provided for solving that the amphibious toy is less.
It can also be used in civilian products like roller skate aeromodelling and electric toy.
I'm going to try to request this toy, the rope toy, from the dolphins using the rope sound.
我發出繩子的聲音 想跟海豚要玩具繩子
Is the excessive that appeal toy is guilty of unpardonable evil, debauch and pornography provided
情趣玩具是十恶不赦, 放荡与色情的淫具吗?
Unemployment has pushed down the piece rates that factories pay for each garment sewn or toy assembled.
It was he, nonetheless, who gave Albert the famous toy compass that inspired his first thought experiment what, the five-year-old wondered, made the needle always point north?

单词 toy 释义

  • 单词释义:玩具,玩物;小装饰品;无实用价值的东西  [更多..]



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