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单词 transport to 例句大全,用单词transport to造句:

Since there is no direct vessel, we have to arrange multimodal combined transport by rail sea.
由于没有直达船只, 我们只好安排海陆联运。
The transport capacity can be increased by adding depressant in waxy crude oil to be delivered.
在含蜡原油的输送中, 添加降凝剂可提高输送能力, 节约能源。
And they agreed to let the Crane transport them one by one to the pool where they would be safe.
于是, 他们同意由鹤把它们逐一送到安全的池塘。
After selecting from among its furniture and objects, she wished to transport to her other abode.
她从那些家具里挑选了几件, 预备运往她的另一个寓所。
Since there is no direct vessel, we have to arrange multimodal combined transport by land and sea.
Undertakes to transport under the service without the ship the marine cargo lien to search analyzes
And Sendai strength of the transport companies have signed an agreement to implement cash on delivery.
The equal wall thickness hollow screw pump rotor is mainly applied to the transport of viscous liquid.
Table2 below highlights some possible mitigation measures potentially applicable to maritime transport.
In allusion to the character of tactical utility transport helicopter, design requirements are confirmed.
针对战术通用直升机的特点, 确定了其设计要求
You will have to arrange for your own transport and accommodation prior to attending any Olympic sessions.
Compared with diffusion theory, transport theory based kinetics methods could be used to provide higher accuracy.
与扩散理论相比, 输运理论的计算结果具有更高的精度。
Transport plays a role in access, and egress from a city, on which businesses rely to attract and serve customers.
The seller will make every effort to commence transport of the goods so that they will arrive by the delivery date.
On the sampling timescale required to reliably monitor interannual variability in the Antarctic circumpolar transport
This is to certify that the container specified below has been approved for the transport of goods under Customs seal.
Where appropriate the transport unit shall be fitted with devices to facilitate securing and handling of the dangerous goods.
The motion of the transport car can drive a welding gun of the welding machine to align a shearing port to carry out welding.
In this paper the effect method of energizing blasting is proposed to clean the ashsendimentary layers in the ash transport pipelines.
Objective TO investigate the alteration of ion transport across the colonic epithelium in the rat descending colon applying by benzalkonium chloride.
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单词 transport to 释义

  • 单词释义:把…运送到;流放到  [更多..]



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