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单词 transplant into 例句大全,用单词transplant into造句:

Rat bone marrow stromal cells transplant into adult brains
It is now possible to transplant organs from creature into human.
An Inquiry into the Transplant of Skills and Tactics between Water Polo and Handball
水球, 手球运动技能和战术体系迁移研究
Rice Breeding and Transplant Mechanization in China Enters into Rapid Development Time
Doctors hope to C. transplant a human heart into the patient within the next few days.
在近几天内, 医生希望能为病人进行心脏移植。
Objective To observe osteogenesis of autogenous bone marrow after injecting into the transplant defect of heterogenous inorganic bone for two weeks.
Now researchers are trying to transplant the defective human gene into mice in an effort to create a strain of mice that develop both plaques and tangles.
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