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单词 transmitted 例句大全,用单词transmitted造句:

The Deduction of Jolly Pallance Measuring Weight Acceleration and the Transmitted Formula of Error
Today is the birthday of the Peas, I do not know who transmitted ran the likelihood of this ear.
It is transmitted primarily by venereal routes or exposure to contaminated blood or blood products.
First, the only sure defense against the transmission of sexually transmitted disease is abstinence.
第一, 唯一准确有效防止性病传播的方法是节欲。
The pixmap representation of the animated objects is transmitted and displayed on the receiver side.
This limit is essentially a stress amplitude value over which higher stresses can not be transmitted.
Torque is transmitted from the side plates of the elements through torque bars to the friction shoes.
Strenuous efforts should be made to check the spreading of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.
The bacteria are transmitted from person to person through droplets of respiratory or throat secretions.
disease of rodents and sometimes transmitted to humans by ticks or flies or by handling infected animals
That is a bacteria that can be transmitted through contaminated food or water, especially raw vegetables.
As the velocitynozzle throat is sonic, the effect must be transmitted upstream through the boundary layer.
The test card was transmitted by television companies at times when viewers weren't supposed to be watching.
Normal flu is transmitted from person to person while avian flu arises from contact with live infected birds.
I hereby indicate the separation between messages transmitted to different aircraft in a very busy environment.
The text of the draft optional protocol transmitted by the Working Group to the Council is contained in annex I.
All this data is transmitted in real time to a central server in Silicon Valley, where it is collated and analyzed.
It appears that like cervical cancer, anorectal cancers have an infectious component and may be sexually transmitted.
就像和子宫颈癌一样, 直肠癌也是一种性传播疾病。
Transmitted information is in the form of binary digits, or bits, which the computers electronic circuitry can process.
Plasmodium falciparum is the most dangerous of the malaria infections being transmitted by the female Anopheles mosquito.
the bandwidth required of a communication channel is proportional to the amount of information transmitted per unit time.
活化效应比例浓度的辅酶, 其饱和度的个人资料。
The Health Ministry said the purpose of the handout was to prevent the spread of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.
卫生部称, 分发避孕套是为了预防艾滋病和其他性传播疾病。
So, the white backed rice planthopper is one of the most important transmitted resources of Tobacco witches broom symptom diseases.
因此, 白背飞虱是烟草丛枝症病害的重要传毒介体之一。
Evaluation of Sexually Transmitted Disease Control Practices for Male Patients With Urethritis at a Large Group Practice Affiliated With a Managed Care Organization
My knowledge, skills and memories are embedded in a vast pattern of neurotransmitter concentrations and interneuronal connections and can not be quickly accessed or transmitted.

单词 transmitted 释义

  • 单词释义:发射,播送,广播( transmit的过去式和过去分词 );传播;传导;传(热、声等)  [更多..]



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