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单词 transmission gear 例句大全,用单词transmission gear造句:

Apply to types of vehicles after the bridge, and the manual transmission drive shaft gear lubrication.
适用于各类汽车的后桥, 传动轴和手动变速箱齿轮的润滑。
The structure of the injection mould with automatic thread demoulding by the gear transmission is given.
Reliability Calculation Based on Elastic Liquid Lubricate Theory in Choice Viscosity of Gear Transmission
The hammer crusher is divided into two types named Vee belt and gear driven type in terms of transmission.
Research on Modification of Ring Gear Teeth Profiles for Eccentric Wheel Handspike Planetary Transmission.
If the car has no starting safety switch, it is possible to spin the engine with the transmission in gear.
如果没有安全启动开关, 启动系统很可能在挂挡后工作。
Study on the new inner planar moving spur gear typed epicyclic gear transmission with few teeth difference
A New Method for Generation Transmission Parts of the Bevel Gear Planetary Reducer with Few Teeth Difference
Analysis of Engaging Force of Gears Used in Transmission Mechanism Composed of Circular Arc Gear and Pin Gear
Establishes a force model for the internal parallel move gear transmission with mulriple redundant constraints.
Research on tooth surface modification of meshing pair of the movable toothed end face harmonic gear transmission
Analysis of Fatigue Failure of Gear Pair in Spindle Transmission Box of Milling Machine and Countermeasure Process
This is because the transmission may be shifting back and forth between the overdrive and the second highest gear.
The characteristics of transmission helical gear injection molding processing and mold design were mainly introduced.
The effect of Gear Structural Parameters and Errors on the Main Gear Transmission Vibrations of a Marine Propulsion Plant
Failure Analysis and Technical Improvement of the Bevel Gear in Tension Levelers Transmission Reduce Box on Pickling Lines.
Finally the bending deformation of transmission gear of a certain light truck has been calculated and analysed with these models.
The transmission ratio of the gear is completely the same as the ratio of the numbers of the axial grooves on the corresponding roller.
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单词 transmission gear 释义

  • 单词释义:传动装置,传动齿轮,变速齿轮  [更多..]



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