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单词 TRAPS 例句大全,用单词TRAPS造句:

His waiting jungle, full of deadly traps, thesavage aborigines, and motor vehicle homicide!
游戏中, 你将遇到各种陷阱, 野蛮人和机关敌人阻碍你。
They are made with environmentally disposable silica gel, which adsorbs and traps moisture.
Biologists say implausible that onions could attract flu virus as a bug zapper traps flies.
The efficiency of the traps of the distal clastic gas pools in the West Sichuan depression.
Faced with various consumption traps, consumers should keep a close watch over their purses.
面对各种消费陷阱, 消费者可要看紧自己的钱包。
Faced with various consumption traps, consumers should keep a close watch over their purses.
The lithologic traps consist in unconformable stratigraphic trap and lithologic pinchout trap.
Inverted bucket type traps to schedule the air, not afraid of water hammer, fouling performance.
倒吊桶式疏水阀能排空气, 不怕水击, 抗污性能好。
The enemy tried to make me confess by setting traps, fortunately, I was able to see through them.
Methods The mosquito and fly density was monitored using lamp traps and cage traps, respectively.
Methods Curtain traps, lamp traps and capture nets were used to collect midges in Jilin province.
方法采用帐诱, 灯诱和挥网法采集蠓。
The traps of carnivorous plants function a little like the stomachs and small intestines of animals.
The Home Returning Corps leader was not unaware of this and he began to set traps for the Field Mouse.
这个家伙还意识不到这一点, 仍想设计抓地老鼠。
The transfer zone may form structures or traps that are prone to hydrocarbon migration and accumulation.
Main traps are composed of stratigraphic and structural typed traps developed in palaeo structural high.
Characteristics of Fault Block Traps and Sequence Property of Oil and Gas Distribution in North Qidam Basin
Flight and Daily Activity of Liriomyza huidobrensis and Effictiveness of Allurement of Different Yellow Traps
Analysis of the key control factors of the formation of lithological stratigraphic traps in sedimentary basins
Comparison of Numbers of Cotton Bollworm Moths Caught in Water Traps Baited with Pheromone vs Blacklight Traps
Discussion on the accumulation conditions and the distribution of the subtle traps in Qikou Sag, Huanghua Depression
The Technique for Characterization of Microfracture Fault Block Traps in Bamianhe Oilfield and Its Application Effect
Efficiency of pheromone, blacklight and poplar twig bunch traps in monitoring adults of cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera
The identification and characterization of lithologic pinchout boundary is always a problem in the description of subtle traps.
岩性尖灭线的识别与刻画, 一直是隐蔽圈闭描述的难题。
The influence of different dispensers on the attraction efficiency and duration of sex pheromone traps of the oriental fruit moth
Relationship between lunar phase and capture rate of cotton bollworm moths using poplar twig bundle traps in Tongzhou, Jiangsu Province

单词 TRAPS 释义

  • 单词释义:tactical rapid access processing system 战术快速接入处理系统  [更多..]



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