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单词 training need 例句大全,用单词training need造句:

Coaches also need training.
Actors need training in diction.
The need for custom training is also reduced.
Sorry, but I need you to further my training.
失敬, 我需要你来磨练我。
I have to admit that we need further training.
You need 8 years more training to beat me, bud.
Training does not need to take long for each employee.
Conclusion Students need positive attribution training.
We need someone to take charge of our physical training.
Upshow agreed with Celia about the need for sales training.
After that, you need to write a training report as a conclusion.
在这之后, 你要写一封总结性的培训报告。
To develop training material based on employee's English level and need.
How much training do you think you'll need to become a productive employee?
Cardiovascular training is good for everyone, but dancers need it even more.
心血功能的训练对每个人都有好处, 但舞蹈者尤其需要。
Mr Lafta says a new curriculum is needed, and teachers need formal training.
拉弗塔说, 他们需要新的课程内容, 教师们也需要正式的培训。
First of all,we need to find Sprite Leaders. They be found in training chamber 2.
First of all, we need to find Sprite Leaders. They be found in training chamber 2.
这里首先需要得对象是妖精首领, 在修练2馆中可以遇到。
Minimally you will need to do some investigation, training, and tool configuration.
The need for disarmament and nonproliferation education and training has never been greater.
One of the first things you need to consider in owning a new kitten is their litter training.
养一只小猫, 你需要首先考虑的是进行猫砂训练。
Management should be diligent in looking for factors that indicate a need for employee training.
Sports people have a special need for adequate iron intake both before and after intense training.
体育运动员特别需要有足够的铁摄入量, 在激烈的训练中。
Training to achieve such a state, the need for training to subvert the traditional way of thinking.
So the first thing we need to do with the cognitive suite is to start with training a neutral signal.
我们先要做的是 开始训练一个 中和的信号。
Opportunities for secondary education and technical training for adolescents also need to be created.
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