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单词 Trail Blazers 例句大全,用单词Trail Blazers造句:

Orville and Wilbur Wright were aviation trail blazers.
His Trail Blazers jersey was retired by Portland in 1981.
They then play Portland, Miami and the Trail Blazers again.
接下来赛程是开拓者, 迈阿密, 开拓者。
The Trail Blazers also played without Brandon Roy, who is by an ankle injury.
The Trail Blazers are ranked first in the NBA in offensive rebounds, getting 13.1 per game.
If his shot aint falling, then you want to keep giving him shots, the Portland Trail Blazers Travis Outlaw said.
Or O'Neal, in Game 4 of the 2000 Western Conference final against Portland who was fouled repeatedly by the Trail Blazers.
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