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单词 traffic lights 例句大全,用单词traffic lights造句:

If you run against the traffic lights again, you'll be deprived of your license.
如果你再闯红灯, 你的执照就会被吊销。
Then according to the vehicle length has formulated the traffic lights long stay.
This a compilation of written procedures, examples of simulation of traffic lights.
The full moon is seen in Duisburg behind traffic lights during clear and cold weather.
在杜伊斯堡明净寒冷的天气里, 从红绿灯后看到的满月现象。
The taxi driver drove recklessly and aggressively, ignoring all the traffic lights and stop signs.
Keep on going in the special lane for bicycle, and take care of the traffic lights and pedestrians.
走自行车专用道, 注意红绿灯和行人。
At decelerations in excess of 0.7 g the brake lights are automatically applied to warn following traffic.
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单词 traffic lights 释义

  • 单词释义:红绿灯;红绿灯( traffic light的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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