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单词 top rail 例句大全,用单词top rail造句:

The top rail of a fence or balustrade.
Height of coupler center from top of rail
Hright fron top of rail to coupler center
This is the transfer station of rail and the train to the top of europe.
And when I place the superconducting disk on top of this rail, it moves freely.
Working from swinging scaffolds and Tube Lox scaffold not equipped with mid and top rail.
在摇晃的鹰架和管架上作业, 且在中部和上部未安装护栏。
The onboard responder antenna drops into or near the rail top which cause the train digression.
车载应答器天线坠入铁轨或其附近, 导致列车脱轨。
The highspeed rail system has been accused of using shoddy materials and running trains faster than their planned top speed.
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