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单词 top end 例句大全,用单词top end造句:

Life should like a candle, burning from the top to end, lighting all along!
生活要像一根蜡烛, 从头到尾燃烧着, 终生闪亮着!
Pull the flag to the top of the pole. Separate the end cap from the bumper.
Top Obama supporters say they do not expect an imminent end to the campaign.
奥巴马的主要支持者说, 他们预期竞选活动不会立即结束。
Taking the length of cord, knot the top end around the centre of the arm loop
An uplift side jacket top cover is arranged at the top end of the wood barrel.
The top end of the handset is occupied by the power button and loudspeaker slit.
The top end of the rod is much smaller than the end that fits on the crankshaft.
Life should be like a candle, burning from the top to the end, lighting all along.
人生应该像蜡烛一样, 从顶燃到底, 一直都是光明的。
Bend at the top end of the handle prevents the cutlery from sliding into the bowl.
餐具把手的顶端弯曲, 可防止餐具滑入碗中。
In the end is the top up or relay depends on how divergent Application of Equalstring.
In the end, it was one of the top downloads on a whole bunch of music streaming services.
When the compliant material is used, the top end saccule can be used to expand the bracket.
Make sure the top end of the strap is far enough down to leave room for the elastic casing.
Very competent middle suddenly ascend the top, met with the ability to end soon to withdraw.
The breaking place prediction of face end main roof flap top in the gob side entry retaining
In top end industry, the organic compound of iodine is additive of manufacturing rocketry fuel.
Practices on face end support technology for fully mechanized top coal caving mining face in deep inclined thick seam
The heat transfer characteristics of the rotation rectangular duct with trailing edge ejection were compared to those with top end ejection.
People are like trees, we should make them grow as far as possible instead of forcing them to grow to the same height. Seek equality from the foothold and pursue freedom at the top end.
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