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单词 Togo 例句大全,用单词Togo造句:

The Government of Togo is deeply grateful to those two United Nations institutions.
After the first half of the game, South Korea pushed for an equalizer against Togo.
经过上半埸的赛事后, 南韩尽力追和多哥。
One day, I made an appointment with Wang Ping togo to the bookstore together on Sunday.
The Chairman said that Togo and Ethiopia had joined the sponsors of the draft resolution.
The Presidents of Burkina Faso and Togo also appealed for dialogue between the Government and UNITA.
The Ambassadors Fund also supported preservation of traditional courtyards in northern Togo in 2006.
The recent European tour made by the President of the Republic significantly improves Togo's image abroad.
共和国总统最近出访欧洲, 大大改善了多哥在国外的形象。
Continue even when it is hard togo on, release even when it is hard tolet go, endure even when it is hard tobear, this is how we build our character.

单词 Togo 释义



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