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单词 Tobe 例句大全,用单词Tobe造句:

External frontal tobe craniotomy
There used tobe a flowerbed here.
Ann used tobe a belle. Many boys were crazy about her.
Only those who respect themselves have the courage tobe humble.
唯有尊重自己的人, 才能勇于缩小自己。
There is a treasure beside you, waiting tobe dug and discovered.
It is essential for a teacher tobe both intellectually and morally honest.
Torny vietnam is also trouble makers , and is also dangerous tobe to cambodia.
越南也是个麻烦制造者, 也对柬普塞来说, 是个危险的恶棍。
They consider the orderly unfolding of its petals tobe a symbol of perfection.
And when you are looking forward tobe captain, it was wrong to annoy the owner.
尤其是当你快要升为船长的时候, 是不该在这时得罪船主的。
Installs in the automobile seat cushion, installs the convenience tobe suitable.
As a result we were going tobe living in a fundamentally unmanaged economic system.
In the life always has is rough and is sad, do not forget the academic society tobe strang.
生活中总有坎坷和忧伤, 不要忘了学会坚强。
If the game is tied at deuce, what is the expected number of points tobe played before the game ends
在下面的点, 玩家赢的游戏或游戏返回平手。
Then the uper end of this Tobe resected colon segment was cut and was removed together with the plastic bag.

单词 Tobe 释义

  • 单词释义:[人名] 托布;[地名] 丘陵、山(哈萨克语)  [更多..]



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