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单词 well house 例句大全,用单词well house造句:

Well, I took a loss on the house that you got me, I, uh, I lost my job, Can't find a new one.
你买给我的那套房子,我低价甩卖了 工作也丢了 找不到新的。
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Otherwise, he might as well move out of the White House, and hand the keys over to the Tea Party.
不然, 他还不如从白宫搬出去, 将大权交给茶会党。
They have opportunities at each house to participate in organized educational as well as social events.
And sometimes the house is a waterfront mansion in a gated golf community worth well over seven figures.
尽管一半是意大利菜, 炊事人员却来自五湖四海。
Well, as the person who has to share a house with the person who won't take a bath, I need the fresh air.
Crashing a state dinner at the White House apparently takes a security breakdown as well as some kind of nerve.
The well dressed bride comes in with a fortunate lady of the house to welcome the entourage of the groom in the living room.
由全福妇人引带著新装准新娘出堂, 捧甜茶敬客, 旋即回房。
The White House explains the president's new-found wanderlust by saying that"We want to be well perceived in the world".
It’s a long commute from my house to the office, but living in the suburbs is well worth it. Cleaner air, cheaper housing and you can actually see the stars in the sky.
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