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单词 wear on 例句大全,用单词wear on造句:

Their hatred of Chelsea comes naturally and they proudly wear their biases on their sleeves.
Study on the Wear Resistance of Laser Cladding Layer on the Sealing Surface of Nuclear Valve
They wear comfortable with the principle of clemency, what on what to wear their own easily.
他们穿衣以宽大舒适为原则, 自己爱穿什么就穿什么。
Women become illogical when it comes to choosing the dress they will wear on some occasions.
在某些场合决定着装形式的时候, 女性往往变得不合情理。
The man of whiskers gave a blast on the whistle which he used to wear hanging round his neck.
Researches on the Wear and Erosion of Bore and Its Influence to Interior Ballistic Performance
Research on Parameters of the Radial Mechanism on High Speed Passenger Car Bogie with Low Wear
Where on earth confirm the clothes easy to wear in advance, clear up the place of the interview.
So, it is necessary to study the effect of additive agent on anti wear property of lubricating oil.
Research on Precision Grinding Based on Uniform Wear Side of Wheel with Forward and Backward Motion
The effects of laser transformation hardening on the fretting wear of titanium alloy are investigated.
研究了 激光淬火 对钛合金微动磨损性能的影响。
Research on Colouring and Painting Technology of Wear and Scratchresistant Coat on Solid Wood Parquet.
The summer uses bamboo mat, answer to spread a thin cloth to wear away in order to decrease on mattess.
The Influence of quenching temperature on wear resistance of high boron casting steel was investigated.
A like every day makes a clout on Sunday. If you always wear your best clothes they will soon wear out.
平时穿衣无好歹, 假日出门无新衣。
Test and Research on Performance Parameter of Wear Resistant Liner under Appropriate Operation Condition
The guide wheels on each carriage are hexagon style wheels that wear up into the wheels to maintain accuracy.
Special depreciation represents deduction for wear and tear on an asset from a purely taxbased point of view.
But on the funeral service the demitoilet that then wear the black with express the banister toward the dead.
Influence of Grinding Wheel Wear on the Qualities of the Machined Surface Layer Under Constant Speed Grinding
When a boy has earned his Bear badge, he may work on electives to earn Arrow Points to wear under his Bear badge.
当获得熊后, 可以继续完成选修科目增加箭标志。
Women students were not permitted to wear slacks or short socks on campus, but had to wear skirts and long stockings.
This treatise deals with the influence of boron and titanium on the mechanical performance and wear resistance of cast iron.
If one dies unnaturally, then the whole world will wear a black armband. There are these dark streaks on the surface of the moon.
一个人惨遭横祸, 地球披上黑纱。月球表面出现这些黑色带。
A patient can conveniently wear the utility model at the back part of an auricle without the influence on the normal work and learning.
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