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单词 wasted 例句大全,用单词wasted造句:

Not only things and money are wasted, but natural resources are abused as well.
I wasted this bloody money on food and drink, so I have a terrible debt to pay!
我用这些血腥的钱吃喝, 所以欠下了一笔可怕的债!
If my plan isn't approved of by the committee, all my work will have been wasted.
如果我的计划得不到委员会的批准, 我的功夫就白费了。
We wasted a little bit of time to a certain extent going down a few blind alleys.
And the waters shall fail from the sea, and the river shall be wasted and dried up.
海中得水必绝尽, 河也消没干涸。
If the consumer does not want the bookmark column, an entry in the array is wasted.
如果使用者不想要书签列, 则数组中的一项是多余的。
I want to charge the capacitor with the solar matrix with very little wasted power.
Gradually he lost his appetite and wasted away till he was nothing but skin and bones.
他渐渐饮食不进, 骨瘦如柴。
Analysis of possibility on utilization of condensing wasted heat of artificial ice rink
Friction usually results in unwanted heat that flows into the atmosphere and is wasted.
Love on EarthHalf mortals and half immortals, the great beauty wasted a thousand years.
半是凡心半是仙, 蛾眉空付一千年。
Applicable to the wasted electric cables and wires with shield of plastic or plumb sheet.
This draft resolution is a wasted attempt to predetermine the outcome of the peace talks.
He argued that human energy was being wasted at a rate subject to mathematical calculation.
Failure doesnt mean you've wasted your life, It does mean you have a reason to start afresh.
Many times he delivered them, but they were bent on rebellion and they wasted away in their sin.
Actually couldn't distinguish clearly is the youth has wasted time the age, age dispirited youth.
分不清究竟是青春蹉跎了年龄, 还是年龄颓废了青春。
He wasted a tolerably large allowance, something like three thousand francs a year, in doing nothing.
他无所事事地吃着一笔相当大的学膳费, 三千法郎。
A' Fang Palace, which was ordered to be built by Emperor Qinshihuang, wasted both money and man power.
Studied of the reproduced newspaper properties from the blending pulp of American wasted paper and CTMP
Ecological engineering of using cellulose bonding carrier of wasted materials for belt seeding establishment
For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted.
The money is often wasted, for example on billiard tables, barbecues and, in one case, defibrillators.
Used for pulp without breaking and coarse screen to the raw mate rials of wasted paper under the hige thickness.
Whos really been a lie, yeah So watch me strike a match On all my wasted time As far as Im concerned, Youre just another picture to burn.

单词 wasted 释义

  • 单词释义:(常指因病而)憔悴的,疲惫不堪;徒劳的;无用的;浪费的  [更多..]



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